A predecessor of the Commission had been in existence since the 1930’s treating municipal and industrial wastewater from the Cities of Neenah and Menasha. On September 30, 1982, the Commission was reconstituted pursuant to Section 66.0301 of the Wisconsin Statutes upon adoption of the Enabling Ordinance by the Contracting Municipalities, in order to strengthen the Commission’s ability to finance, construct and operate wastewater transportation and treatment facilities to meet the federal requirements imposed by the 1972 water pollution control legislation. The Commission has not been created for profit and no part of the net income or profits shall inure to the benefit of any private individual or any organization created for profit.
The Commission has seven members selected for three-year staggered terms. Two members are appointed by each of the Mayors of Neenah and Menasha, and are confirmed by a majority vote of their respective Common Councils. The President of the Town of Neenah Sanitary District Nos., 1-1 and 2, the President of Village of Fox Crossing Utilities and the President of the Village of Harrison Utilities each appoint one member. Such appointments are confirmed by the unanimous vote of the governing bodies of those respective municipalities.
The Commission officers are a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer which are selected by the Commission annually at its first regular meeting to serve for a term of one year.
Operating Personnel
Overall management of the System has been the responsibility of Midwest Contract Operations, Inc. since March of 1988, with Mr. Paul Much, President, as Manager. Day to day operational control is handled by one Operations Supervisor; with a Grade 4 Operator’s License. This Supervisor is assisted by three Lab Technicians, (one with Grade 4 Operator’s License), one Maintenance Supervisor; and eight additional full-time employees of Midwest Contract Operations, Inc.
Labor Relations
The last remaining Commission employee retired on December 31, 2006, this position was filled by a contract amendment with Midwest Contract Operations, Inc. effective January 1, 2007.
Plant Usage by Source
2022 Plant Usage
The Contracting Municipalities and Industrial Users
The Cities of Neenah and Menasha are the two largest Contracting Municipalities. Together they provide about 61% of the Commission’s operating revenues. Prior to enactment of the Enabling Ordinance, the two Cities operated a joint wastewater treatment facility on the site of the current System for many years.
The City of Menasha boundaries include an area of 4,961 acres having a 2017 estimated population of 17,647.
The City of Neenah boundaries include 6,144 acres having a 2010 estimated population of 25,800.
Currently, the City of Neenah is the source of 42% of Commission revenues and the City of Menasha is approximately 19%; the Village of Fox Crossing is the source of approximately 13% of the revenues available to the Commission to pay debt service on the 2013 Clean Water Fund Loan.
The Village of Fox Crossing covers an area of 1,687 acres within the town on the east shore of Little Lake Butte des Morts. Some overlap of geographic area between the utility district, City of Menasha and City of Appleton exists.
The Town of Neenah Sanitary District #2 covers an area west of the City along USH 41 and along STH 150.
The Village of Harrison Utilities is located within the City of Menasha and Village of Harrison, Calumet County and primarily covers the north shore of Lake Winnebago.
The Commission has one Contracting Industrial User − Sonoco − U.S. Paper Mills, Inc.